Hello. Welcome to Jamiljamil.
Vamos começar esse vídeo de hoje, perguntando se você sabe a diferença entre essas duas frases:
I used to play on the streets.
I played on the streets.
Antes de respondermos, vamos ver se você consegue identificar o que está ligado ao presente ou passado.
Can you say which situation is in the past or present? Pause the video and identify which part is Past or Present
Long hair x Bald
I used to have such beautiful long hair when I was younger. And now, I am totally bald. Life hasn’t been good to me.
Shy x talkative
I don’t believe I used to be so talkative when I was a child. Now, I am so shy. I don’t know what happened to me.
In shape x obese
When I was a teenager, I used to be in shape. I used to run 15 kilometers a day. Now, I am just obese. I watch TV the whole day and run 15 meters a day to the fridge.
Take pictures x play the piano
I used to play the piano a lot when I was younger. Now, that I am older, I don’t play the piano anymore. But I like to take pictures.
Para expressar hábitos passados, eu usei USED TO, porque ele representa algo que a gente não faz mais.
I used to play on the streets. É algo que eu fazia antes, mas agora, não faço mais.
I played on the streets. É algo que eu fiz outro dia e posso voltar a fazer a qualquer momento.
Veja como é a pergunta e resposta com USED TO:
Did you use to watch Ultraman?
No, I didn’t. I used to watch Snoopy.
Veja como dizer que você não fazia algo:
I didn’t use to play Chess.
Quando USED TO aparecer em textos, o seu significado será o mesmo.
Confiscated Alcohol Put to Good Use
Until just a few years ago, Swedish customs officers used to pour alcohol confiscated from smugglers “down the drain.” Now such contraband is “helping fuel the country’s public transport system,” says an Associated Press report from Stockholm. Nearly all the 185,000 gallons of liquor seized in 2006 was converted into biogas, an alternative fuel, and “used to power buses, trucks and a biogas train.” This fuel “is good business,” explains the report, “because the material to make it is free.” It is also good because using it helps reduce Sweden’s greenhouse emissions.
“Swedish customs officers used to pour alcohol confiscated from smugglers “down the drain.” Eles não jogam mais o álcool confiscado.
“and “used to power buses, trucks and a biogas train”, o combustível alternativo não é mais usado nesses veículos.
Vamos treinar perguntas com USED TO. Assim que eu falar a frase, pause o vídeo para você fazer a pergunta antes de mim.
a) Suck a pacifier, did you use to suck a pacifier?
b) Play with Barbie, did you use to pay with Barbie?
c) Ride merry-go-round. Did you use to ride merry-go-round?
d) Play hide and seek, did you use to play hide and seek?
e) Watch The Flintstones, did you use to watch The Flintstones?
f) Believe in Santa, did you use to believe in Santa?
Agora, vou fazer perguntas para você. Pause o vídeo para responder. Se não souber responder direito, não tem problema. Use, Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. E se quiser uma explicação maior sobre Yes, I did; No, I didn’t, que é “respostas curtas”, assista ao meu outro vídeo explicando sobre Respostas Curtas.
Did you use to suck a pacifier?
Well, I don’t remember. Probably yes, I used to suck a pacifier.
Did you use to play Barbie?
No, I didn’t. but my sister used to play with her Barbies a lot.
Did you use to ride merry-go-round?
Yes, I did. I used to ride merry-go-round with my friends all the time.
Did you use to play hide and seek?
Oh, yeah. It was great. We used to play it every evening.
Did you use to watch The Flintstones?
No, I didn’t. I didn’t like it very much. I used to watch the other family from the future, quite the opposite from the Flintstones. But I forgot the name. Do you know it?
Did you use to believe in Santa?
Yes, I did. My parents used to put presents in my bed while I was sleeping. When I woke up, I used to think it was Santa who gave them to me.
Did you use to believe in ghosts too?
If I used to believe in ghosts? I still believe they are here with us.
Agora, você já sabe dizer algo que fazia e não faz mais.
I used to watch The Flintstones
I didn’t use to suck a pacifier
Did you use to play hide and seek?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
E praticar mais, vou deixar um link de atividades na descrição do vídeo.
Bye bye
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